Category Archives: Domestic Violence

New Law: Domestic Violence Restraining Orders can be issued for 10 years

Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 723 on August 1, 2011 which will amend Penal Code s 136.2.  Under the new law Judge’s can issue protective orders for up to 10 years in felony and misdemeanor Domestic Violence convictions.  The new law will take effect on January 1, 2012 and is to be limited to cases involving stalking, serious bodily injury, or while the defendant is still on probation.

General terms for a protective order/restraining order prohibit contact with the protected person which can also impact child custody and visitation arrangements.  Additionally they can hinder a persons ability to own or possess a firearm, which depending on your career could have major impacts.

In order to assess your legal options in view of the current and new law it is important that you talk with an attorney about your specific situation and your rights.  For a free consultation call (949) 478-3160.